Get Involved!

This web site was created to serve our community and to give a voice to ALL Huntington Marina homeowners and residents. Useful information, questions, suggestions, opinions? Please feel free to share!

Current Issues:
Projects that can potentially impact our community (open a different website):
Big Daddy’s Suite Hotel
The Furniture Store

On this website:
Mariner Point Fuel Dock (SUCCESS: Fuel dock has re-opened)
Re-Zoning of the Don the Beachcomber and Peter’s Landing areas

Getting Involved:
The first step is to REGISTER!
After you register, the webmaster will confirm you as a legitimate member and you will be granted rights to add posts to this web site.

Leaving Feedback:
After you have registered: LOG-IN!

You can leave feedback on any page or post in this web site. In order to do so, LOG-IN in then type in your feedback in the COMMENT box at the bottom of any page or post.

Creating Your Own Posts:
You can write articles, even post photos and videos or other documents, on any subject you like. We just ask that the material you post be related to the HMA community.

To add a new post:
LOG-IN, click the + New sign at the top of any page on this site (see screenshot below) and the rest is as easy as writing an e-mail!
To add photos, videos, etc…, use the + New->Media link.

Important: The webmaster will review every new post and block publication of illegal or offensive material or material revealing personal information.

If you have any questions, please contact the webmaster.

2 comments to “Get Involved!”
  1. what is this I hear that Augustine may be terminated?
    Have you all lost your minds? He is certainly an asset to our small community and I would definitely be more than upset should he be let go…
    This is something that should be voted upon and not decided by a few.

  2. I’m trying to figure out how to start a dialog on air conditioning. When we first approached the board last Oct, they declined to discuss until after the “elections”. We have a warm summer, high humidity and there are units that reduce noise considerably. How do we get the dialog going to approve AC units? Thanks – Tony

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